There are several reasons why gay men may want or need to form their own religion, including:

Why a gay religion?

  • Support: Many gay men may feel that they do not receive the support they need from traditional religions and seek a community that specifically affirms and supports their experiences and identities.
  • Discrimination and Abuse: Gay men may have experienced discrimination or exclusion from traditional religions and may seek a religious community that is inclusive and accepting of their sexual orientation. We have been abused. We have a lot to heal from.
  • Affirmation of lives and desires: Gay men need a religion that affirms and celebrates our lives and desires, rather than stigmatizing or condemning us.
  • Sense of community: Gay men need a religious community that provides a sense of belonging and connection that welcome our full selves.
  • To connect with spirituality: Traditional religions damage our lives and poison our souls. We seek to create a religion that serves our spiritual needs and elevates our lives.
Membership and Involvement

How can I become a member?

Any gay man who vows to live by the principles of The Church can be a member. Sign up for our newsletter, join our upcoming film discussion group, join our upcoming book club and attend a gathering. To help us do our work, consider making a donation.

Is The Church of Gay Power open to all sexual orientations and genders?

The church is focused on empowering gay men and men who have sex with men. We have unique needs, perspectives and history. Our growth comes from honesty about our nature with those who most closely understand.

What about lesbians, bi-sexuals, trans and asexual people?

While our focus on empowering gay men, we love and support the entire queer community while recognizing that we were called to build this Church for gay men. We hope there are or will be lesbian, bi-sexual, trans and asexual people who are called to work to spiritually empower and elevate their people. We hope we can offer any experience or knowledge that will be helpful in fulfilling their mission.

What kinds of events or gatherings does The Church of Gay Power host?

We are working on virtual and real-world gatherings to share ideas, experiences, knowledge and understanding.

Do you have local chapters or branches? How can I start one?

We are in our early stages, but plan to expand when the time is right.

Beliefs and Practices

What does The Church of Gay Power believe in?

See our Beliefs and Principles page for details. To summarize: We believe in the divine gift of our sexuality, in strength through supporting our brothers and in gratitude for the wisdom of our ancestors.

What role does sexuality play in The Church of Gay Power?

Our beliefs are phallocentric. Truth, power and clarity come from our cocks, using our cocks and sharing that power with other men. It is undeniable that our cocks are connected to our hearts, our spirits and our minds. Our cocks connect us to each other. Exploring and practicing our sexuality is essential to our belief system.

How does The Church of Gay Power honor ancestors?

It is our mission to keep their memories alive, live in gratitude for the sacrifices they made and elevate our lives through their wisdom.

Educational and Ministerial Aspects

How can I become a minister with The Church of Gay Power?

We are exploring educational and credentialing processes for becoming a minister.

Do you offer educational resources?

This website is our core resource at this time. We will be launching a podcast shortly and expanding our efforts from there.

Financial and Legal

How is The Church of Gay Power funded?

We are a grassroots ministry seeking donations.

Is The Church of Gay Power a tax-exempt organization?

We are in the process of obtaining 501(c)(3) status.

Other questions

Is The Church of Gay Power a political organization?

Answer: We are not a political organization. Though our principles and beliefs may lead us to political opinions, the church’s primary focus is spiritual and social empowerment for gay men. We strive for something stronger and more lasting than the politics of the day. That said, we believe that acceptance of our gay selves and our love for our brothers will lead us to certain political conclusions.

How is The Church of Gay Power different from other LGBTQ+ religious organizations?

We are a unique approach to spirituality, particularly geared towards the empowerment of gay men, as opposed to reconciliation with existing religious traditions that have been exclusionary and abusive. We are non-theistic, finding a higher power in each other, ourselves and our divine sexuality.

How can I contribute or get involved?

Sign up for our newsletter. Learn more about gay history. Be kind and supportive to your gay brothers. Be kind and accepting to yourself and your erotic self. Donate.