Beliefs and Principles
We strive to elevate gay lives through the mind, body and spirit. We seek to erase the damage and shame of the old religions through community, the embracing of our sexuality and the wisdom of our ancestors and elders.
1. The Divine Gift of Gay Identity
Being gay is not just natural—it’s divine. Our gay identity is a sacred blessing that connects us to deeper cosmic truths, enriching human diversity and offering elevated perspectives on love and existence. Embrace this truth loudly and proudly, without ever dimming your vibrant colors for the comfort of the heteronormative world.
2. The Sacred Experience of Orgasm
Our sexuality is our connection to the divine. Every orgasm is a prayer, a moment of deep spiritual clarity that transcends the physical and touches the sublime. These sacred climaxes are not just acts of pleasure—they are our rituals, celebrating our connection to each other and the universe.
3. Ancestral Wisdom and Gay Legacy
We walk paths carved by the struggles and triumphs of our gay ancestors. From the whispered histories of hidden heroes to the celebrated tales of martyrs and icons, their lives guide us. We honor them by living openly and courageously, determined to amplify their legacy and inspire future generations. We find strength in our gratitude and thank them daily.
4. Community as Sanctuary
Our community is a fortress of love and resistance. Here, every gay man finds brotherhood and belonging. We commit to protecting and uplifting each other against a world that often seeks to diminish us. Our shared bond is our strength, and together, we build a world where every gay man can flourish.
5. Radical Body Positivity
Celebrate the state of your body and your cock—its shape, size, and color. Every part of us is worthy of love and desire as we are today. Defy the toxic societal norms that aim to police our pleasure and presence. We proclaim every body as a temple of joy and a bastion of resistance. We reject the shaming tactics of this puritanical world, accepting the joys and pleasures our bodies bring us.
We support sex work, sex workers, and body autonomy for all including the rights of infants to keep their foreskin intact.
6. Empowerment Through Language
We reclaim the language that seeks to demean us and use it as our weapon against oppression. We dismantle homophobic and sex-negative slurs and reclaim terms like “suck,” “wanker,” “slut,” “whore” and “jerk off” to reflect the beauty of our acts. We use these words not as insults but celebrations of our sexuality and we strive to use them accordingly.
7. Unlimited Gay Love
Our capacity for love is infinite. In this church, love is not a scarce commodity but an abundant resource that grows with sharing. We celebrate the joy and successes of our brothers, knowing that their happiness enriches us all. Love here is limitless and knows no bounds.
8. Defiance Against Societal Poisons
We stand firm against the poisons of homophobia, bigotry, and ignorance. From the venomous rhetoric of politicians to the subtle toxins of societal norms, we resist and reject. We keep our bodies and spirits clean of these contaminants, maintaining our integrity and health.
9. Inclusivity in Full Spectrum
Our church embraces all gay men, regardless of race, age, body type, or ability. Here, every man is seen, heard, and valued. Our diversity is our strength, and our inclusivity is non-negotiable. We are a tapestry woven from many threads, each as vital as the next.
Additionally, we hold deeply in our hearts love, support and respect for our broader LGBTQIA+ family.
10. Challenging Heteronormativity
We are not here to fit into the heteronormative mold but to shatter it. We explore lives of boundless freedom, creativity, and joy, proving that there is a vibrant world beyond societal norms. We are pioneers of a new existence, exploring realms of freedom, pleasure, and community far beyond the shackles of tradition, puritanism and monogamy. Don’t be heteronormative, be spectacularly homoexceptional.
11. Honoring Our Divine Gay History
We venerate sacred figures like Ganymede, Apollo and Antinous, drawing power from their divine legacies as we navigate our paths in the modern world. They are not relics of the past but avatars for our vibrant, ongoing journey.
12. Legacy in Gay Arts and History
Our culture is etched in the arts and stories left by our forebears. We commit to preserving this heritage, viewing our involvement in the arts as a sacred duty to learn, understand, remember, celebrate, and propel our history into the future. Our lives, loves, and losses are immortalized in every stroke, note, and word. We praise the gay storytellers—the writers, artists, historians, poets, actors, singers and all who chronicle our lives— for preserving our history and gifting it to us.